Semi-colon Corner

I'm a young, punctuation-happy court reporting student.

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Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States

Humor is not simply the art of laughing at others, nor merely that of laughing at yourself; rather, it is the ability to see the tiny absurdities of life. -- Anemone Flynn

Tuesday, October 25, 2005

I really haven't been ignoring you.

Honestly. I've been reading everyone's blog almost daily. I just haven't written anything in my own.

Nothing much has been going on. I suppose the high point (speaking of excitement) was when we came home from brunch on Sunday and found a German shepherd locked in the rabbit hutch. But that was cleared up quickly. What, you want to know what happened?

We went to brunch on Sunday. That's right, we are no longer attending church. I knew this was going to happen, but it wasn't official. I'm still not sure it's official. Howsomever, since we haven't gone for more than a month, I consider it fair to say we're no longer attending. Maybe we'll pick it back up, but that is extremely doubtful. If I knew how to calculate probability, I would, but I don't -- so take it from me: unlikely.

I had a very fun time at the home where we went on Sunday. They have very similar views on everything, and they also teach their children at home. We ended up spending about 6 hours there, I think, which was much more than we originally intended. But it was Sunday, and we didn't have anything else in particular going on.

When we arrived home, my mom scooped up the kitten and carried it into the house before the rest of the kids entered the garage, so they promptly started to search for it in the garage and backyard. Buddy came in and whispered to my mom, "Um, there's a dog in the rabbit cage and the rabbits are dead." He didn't want Starry-eyes to hear him, because he thought she might get all emotional. So, of course, I had to go see.

I was first on the scene - well, second really since Buddy had already seen it - and a second dog promptly pranced up and slobbered all over me. They were very friendly dogs. Except to rabbits. Apparently the German shepherd had forced its way into the hutch without bothering to break the cage and the door simply returned behind him, effectively locking him in. He was all hunched over, mournfully regarding both his friend and our dog. Sombra was ecstatic with glee over the visitors. Shows how good a guard dog she is!

Dad let the dog out of the hutch, and we tied them to a tree. Buddy and I gave them some water to drink, soft-hearted creatures that we are. Then we called the sheriff. They were carted off by the animal control unit about half an hour later, and we reported the damage: Two dead rabbits. Surprisingly, the third rabbit did not die of fright. He was in a separate cage, and seems to be fine. Starry-eyes came out to dispose of the bodies of her two females, and she did not break down. She said she had been considering discontinuing the rabbit experiment anyway.

That's the most exciting thing I can think of that's happened recently. And that was just last Sunday. If anything else happens, I'll post, but don't hold your breath. On the other hand, I've always wanted to see someone turn blue ...

I'll probably post again sooner than that, but right now I'm preparing for/stressing over a test that's coming up on November 5. Five minutes at 180wpm, 200wpm, and 225wpm each.

(So we close, with screams dwindling into oblivion ...)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You should go to a house church, apparently there is a best seller called 'an army of ordinary people' or something like that. I think house churches are where its at. Will explain later.

I saw Breakfast at Tiffany's again on Friday. It is a really good movie come to think of it.

Audrey is really good too, but reminded me of all my ex-girlfriends in one way or another ( sadly none of them looked like her, but i reckon i've met a girl who is good competition)

I love watching old movies, they move at such a leisurely pace, and ooze class, i suggest you watch it then write a detailed review.

Also other topics if you're needing some:

2.what is it like living in the most conservative county in america ( liz told me)
3. What you think or charismatic churches ( ohh a bit controversial!)
4. how one puts into practice the sermon on the mount
5. Favourite shoes - i'd be especially be interested in this topic.

3:11 AM  
Blogger Anemone Flynn said...

Sorry, guys, I thought I had explained more about our church situation. I've just been reviewing my posts, and there's nothing there. I think I did have one post that I had to delete part because my mom said I had said too much.

So, there are several posts due about our current situation and view point.

Don't mind me, I only pretend to be heathen.


P.S. Can anyone tell me why Justin is interested in shoes???(giggle)

1:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'll answer that, justin likes shoes because as a child his parents forced him to wear ugly shoes. And when he was lucky enough to buy cool shoes, they made a big song and dance about 'looking after them' and not getting them too dirty etc.

Also he discovered the art of buying really good shoes, while slightly dearer, made the travelling experience much better because his feet did not hurt and he was able to look fashionable in all circumstances.

As they say "The shoe maketh the man" they also say "cometh the hour cometh the man with the cooleth shoes"

7:24 PM  
Blogger Anemone Flynn said...

Right on!

8:44 PM  

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