Semi-colon Corner

I'm a young, punctuation-happy court reporting student.

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Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States

Humor is not simply the art of laughing at others, nor merely that of laughing at yourself; rather, it is the ability to see the tiny absurdities of life. -- Anemone Flynn

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

No Laughing Allowed (But You Can Chortle A Bit)

I said this before, and I'll say it again: I am not the most physical in my family. (Cue Liz's smile.)

However, I am very pleased with my progress lately! I hate running, and always have, but I'm willing to put up with it for the benefits -- not to mention the runner's high I get. I ran my mile this morning in nine minutes and twenty-three seconds. That's four seconds faster than Friday, fourteen faster than last Wednesday, and thirty-nine faster than last Tuesday. YES!

(I can so hear you laughing at me...)

Of course, my mom's loving and supportive response to my boasting and hopes of progess was to quip that I might be able to run two miles at a time eventually.


Blogger liz said...

how in the WORLD did you know I would smile?!

10:32 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

you only have five more minutes to go, to break the four minute mark and be part of an exclusive club, the sub-four minute club!

by the way, as a PE student i feel obliged to tell you that it takes 20mins a day of physical exercise to increase cardio-vascular capacity and thus get fitter

but keep doing your mile and maybe i'll see you at the olympics one day with my cousin ( his name is nick willis)

5:34 PM  
Blogger Anemone Flynn said...

Yeah, I know about the 20 minute thing -- I walk for the rest of the time, and my heart rate stays up for a while (pant, pant!)

In defense of my mother, this is not the first time I've 'started' to exercise. I used to be able to run 3 miles at a time, although excruciatingly slowly.

Oh, well, I'm dedicated now! -- for now.

5:59 PM  
Blogger Anemone Flynn said...

I might be related to Jesse James (the outlaw) away back on my father's side of the family...

Is that good? Should I even admit the possibility?


7:39 PM  

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