Semi-colon Corner

I'm a young, punctuation-happy court reporting student.

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Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States

Humor is not simply the art of laughing at others, nor merely that of laughing at yourself; rather, it is the ability to see the tiny absurdities of life. -- Anemone Flynn

Wednesday, September 14, 2005

My Turn!

I really don't do these very often, so here's my opportunity to have some fun.

10 Favorites...

1. Favourite Colours: Hmm, so many to choose from; I'd like a smoky blue, a rich brown, a glossy black, and a deep green.

2. Favourite Food: Sorry to join the crowd, but CHOCOLATE! Actually, if we're talking entrees here, I'd have to go with corned beef & cabbage. Go ahead, you can call me German.

3. Favourite Band/Singer: Just now I'm really appreciating Watermark.

4. Favourite Song: Ooh, a hard one. Say, 'Holy Roar' by Watermark. It'll probably change by this evening. I'll snap my fingers, "That's the one I wanted to mention!"

5. Favourite Movie: Master and Commander. All those ocean waves...

6. Favorite Sport: Spelling bee? Oh, you mean something physical! I suppose volleyball would be the best answer just now. Frankly, I'll do anything that other people are doing but I won't do anything alone just for fun. I might start something with a group, but it's not likely. I do exercise, it's just not exactly my idea of fun. (Okay, okay, I already knew I wasn't the most physical in our family. I'm probably the least.)

7. Favorite Season: Autumn. I love the colors, and I like to wear sweaters.

8. Favorite Day Of the Week: Thursday.

9. Favorite Ice Cream Flavor: Vanilla with little chunks of any kind of candy or chocolate or cookie or those little swirls of caramel oh stop it you're making me hungry.

10. Favorite Time of Day: About 8pm in the evening. I can justify climbing into bed with a book for a bit before I have to go to sleep. If that sounds early, it's because I get up at 5:30am to go running in the mornings. Ugh, but I still do it... It comes of eating all that corned beef & cabbage and ice cream.

9 Currents...

1. Current Mood: I'm a little spastic just now. Why? It's a secret... Probably because I've been sitting down most of the day and I'm ready to go home now. Please?

2. Current Taste: You mean what I've eaten? Mongolian Barbecue. Mmmm.

3. Current Desktop Picture: I'm at school, so it's that boring blue screen. I've got a blue sunburst on my laptop, and fishies on another school computer.

4. Current Toenail Color: Bronze.

5. Current Time: 3:31:58pm DST Mountain Time

6. Current Surroundings: Many many blank computer screens, a bookshelf, a window looking out on a construction lot, and windows into the hallway (don't ask me why!) and another classroom.

7. Current Annoyance(s): This stupid desk and chair are painful to sit at too long. I have to brace my feet on the floor, which makes my feet hurt, or sit like a ramrod, which makes my back hurt. I alternate.

8. Current Thought: I wonder why I'm taking this test/survey/questionaire -- come to think of it, what is this, exactly? A way to put as much psuedo-personal information in one place a quickly as possible? You know, I think that's it. It's a psuedo-personal-information-catch-all. Ha!

9. Current economic situation: I think I might have $30 in my purse, but I'm going to deposit all of in the bank this afternoon against my growing credit card bill for gas. It's still way up at $2.95. Help!

8 Firsts...

1. First Best Friend: Shari. At least, that's the first I can remember. I haven't used that term since, but I've had other good friends.

2. First Kiss: Never Been Kissed.

3. First nickname: Heidi Cakes. Or was it Heidi-Ho?

4. First Pet: Ivanhoe, a medium sized (humonguous to me!) fluffy dog when I was about 5. I don't remember if I ever knew what kind he was.

5. First Piercing: Ears, when I was 14.

6. First Crush: Now, that would be telling! Besides I think I started getting crushes when I was six. I think I had a crush on one of my Sunday School helpers, who must have been close to 20 at the time. I always wanted to marry young, but I never got any offers... I started reconsidering when I was about 18...

7. First Music You Remember Hearing: I don't remember. Probably my mom singing, which she does quite well and frequently.

8. First Car: I think it was a Honda Accord, automatic. Kind of a brownish color. I had it for about 2 months, then I rearended someone and totaled it. Rats.

7 Lasts...

1. Last Cigarette: Never had a first.

2. Last Drink: Probably the couple tablespoons or so of beer I tried to drink a few months ago. I decided I don't like it. I might be able to drink wine, but the opportunity hasn't really come around recently...

3. Last Car Ride: I drove myself back to school from lunch. Just a couple of minutes.

4. Last Kiss: Never Been Kissed.

5. Last Movie Watched: An Answers in Genesis presentation about UFOs and the Bible. I didn't finish it yet. Purely entertainment movie? I think it was 'The Forgotten.' It had aliens too.

6. Last CD Played: I've been listening to one of Jaci Velasquez's Spanish-only CDs in my car. I always sing along.

7. Last Book Read: Well, I forget. I'm in the middle of three right now:
Dr. Zhivago,
The Red House Mystery (soon to be featured on Aardvark Books),
and The Excalibur Alternative (Science fiction).

6 "Have You Evers"....

1. Have You Ever Dated One Of Your Best Friends?: I don't think I have. I'm not sure what can count as a date. Have I ever been on a date in the first place, or haven't I?

2. Have You Ever Broken the Law?: Yes. The rearending was cited as a misdemeanor. Now, I have to note it on almost every form I ever fill out. Argh!

3. Have You Ever Been Arrested?: Nope.

4. Have You Ever Skinny Dipped?: Nope.

5. Have You Ever Been on TV?: Yep. I'm in a commercial for the vocational school I'm attending. They warned us the day before, and I signed a waiver form; then, when the camera crew showed up I realized I had forgotten and worn the most atrocious neon green t-shirt! I'm in the background of the commercial in a couple of places -- I don't think I was particularly photogenic that day. Not that I ever am, more's the pity.

6. Have You Ever Been Drunk?: Nope.

5 Things You're Wearing...

1. Glasses
2. Earrings
3. Sandals
4. Necklace
5. Necklace as a Bracelet

Places You've Been...

1. Mexico
2. Oregon coast
3. Pennsylvania
4. Hawaii

3 Things You Can't Live Without...

1. Jesus
2. Water
3. Food

2 Choices...

1. Black or White: Black. Ebony, if possible.
2. Hot or Cold: Hot. You know, like towels when you take them out of the dryer right after the buzzer goes off?

1 Thing You Want to Do Before you die...
Graduate! Please! Oh, and get married. And own a bookstore. (I'd even be satisfied with a library. Only it has to be extensive!)


Blogger liz said...

Heidi, I see you're becoming quite the popular girl around Dunedin! I think it's because of your fascinating wit and charming personality. How lucky am I to get to live in the same city as you?!
Ok, so actually I'm jealous. Haha! just kidding.
Went for a speed walk up the world's steepest street. Baldwin. It's about 10 blocks away from my flat. Term of the day: lactic acid

8:18 PM  

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