Semi-colon Corner

I'm a young, punctuation-happy court reporting student.

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Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States

Humor is not simply the art of laughing at others, nor merely that of laughing at yourself; rather, it is the ability to see the tiny absurdities of life. -- Anemone Flynn

Sunday, September 11, 2005

If I Don't Know What I'm Going to Say, How Can I Decide What to Call it?

I finally got my computer back after it was monopolized by first my mother and then my sister and brother chatting with Tan-man. He seems to be fine. He's playing ping-pong and ultimate frisbee, and probably thrashing everyone while he's at it.

My dad took the smaller two girls fishing today; he had promised to take them this summer, but he missed it, so he took them today. We've been trying to keep ourselves occupied. I made peanut-butter cookies, Starry-eyes made toffee, and Buddy helped me. My mom made me a skirt out of some of the printed fabric she brought back from Africa when she went earlier this year -- it's pretty bright prints sometimes, but she let us choose our favorites.

I'm trying to get ready for Starry-eyes' birthday, which is coming up on the 29th. She'll be 15. Yikes! That makes me feel old. er. (giggle) She's having a role-playing party, and I'm the surprise guest. Don't tell anyone! I've got to work out my lines and costume. So much fun!

I've been re-reading "The Red House Mystery" by A.A.Milne. Yes, he did write more than Winnie-the-Pooh stories, and, yes, I will write a review. I just wanted to have it fresh in my mind. Anyone else been reading anything interesting?

My group Bible study is supposed to be picking up again tomorrow. I wonder who will come... I'm interested to see how they respond to what Amber has picked for our study material. I have the hardest time getting anyone to agree with me that we should read a few chapters of the Bible and discuss them each week. They all want to use a book or some type of study guide.

I'm thinking about trying to lead after this particular study is over. I would like to pick a book of the Bible and study that; I also have a great book on apologetics that may satisfy some people who are a bit apprehensive about delving into the Bible without 'guidance.' Half the time, I think 'guidance' and 'study books' are to blame for people who don't study the Bible to learn what it actually says, and end up being people who merely use cute sayings and sermons and don't have a real relationship with Jesus.

I know, I could certainly do more Bible reading myself. God's so great, you're never done learning, or as dedicated as you could be, or as near to Him as you'd like to be (or as He'd like you to be!).

I'm reading Esther right now with my friend -- did I say that already? I hate it when I can't remember what I've said/haven't said, and I refuse to go back and read every single post whenever I want to talk. You'll just have to skip over anything you already know. ;-)

I'm at a complete standstill with the book I'm writing. I finally have a plot, I already had a setting and main characters, but I can't figure out how to pull it all together. I think I'll just have to sit down and start writing and see what happens. It seems to work for this website!

Buddy and Starry-eyes and I spent a few hours outside this afternoon playing baseball with the dog. Sombra loves it when we do this: One person is the pitcher, one is the batter, and anyone else kind of hangs around uselessly. Sombra is the only catcher we need. Sombra loves her tennis ball better than anything else in the world. If you hit it she'll fetch it back to the pitcher. If you don't hit it, she'll get it from behind the batter and give it to anyone who promises to throw it for her. She's very entertaining, and I love not having to run for the ball myself! Sombra will run until she falls down - if you throw the ball she simply must fetch it. Buddy was concerned she would kill herself, so we finally tied her up and continued to play ourselves. We don't hit the ball very often...

I was bored, so I made cookies, but now I don't want to eat any...Should I make something else? I really shouldn't eat any more goodies this weekend, so I guess I'll just have to be bored.

I thought I had some interning lined up for next week, but I still am not getting calls back from anyone. What am I doing wrong?! I guess I'll have to make a few cold-calls...ugh. I hate talking to people when I can't see them, don't know them, amn't sure of my reception, am asking a favor, or any of the above! Grrr.

We're still waiting to hear about the last little boy we're attempting to adopt. One's relatives have signed all their rights away, but we haven't been in contact with the social worker in Zambia lately. My parents keep hoping to get a call to get on a airplane and go get them ASAP.

I picked a lot of produce out of the backyard yesterday. I needed to work for my parents for gas money and I wanted to be outside, so I picked tomatoes, corn, almonds, the very last peach, some apples and pears off the ground, and I can't remember anything else. My mother is an avid gardener, but she's had allergies and a bit of a cold and multiple soccer activities, so she hasn't been out lately. I'm not a gardener. I think I mentioned that earlier; I don't know what came over me. Maybe I should take my temperature...

We watched the movie 'Primer' last night; I'm not afraid to say that I did not understand the ending. We were perfectly happy, figuring out that they had time travel, and then Boom! There were several copies of each of the main characters running around in circles and we lost track of the action. I think something bad happened, but I really don't know. I think it was well received at the Sundance Film Festival -- I'm not surprised, because I think they like incomprehensible movies. I like science fiction, I like time travel, I like puzzles -- I also like to know what's going on! I would rather the character was in the dark about something than me; failing that, I want it explained at the end! Life just isn't fair. (Yeah, tell me something I don't know!)

Well, I have to go and -- what was it I needed to do, again? Oh, well, I'll figure it out. Au revoir, as Tan-man says.


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