Semi-colon Corner

I'm a young, punctuation-happy court reporting student.

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Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States

Humor is not simply the art of laughing at others, nor merely that of laughing at yourself; rather, it is the ability to see the tiny absurdities of life. -- Anemone Flynn

Wednesday, January 04, 2006

I know, I know.

If I don't give y'all something new to look at, I'll lose what little readership I may have. So, here's what's new.

I had a wonderful Christmas and New Years. We had a little family celebration with my grandparents on Christmas Day, and I got everything my heart desired. Well, almost. I received a letter informing me of my failure to pass the stenography certification test almost immediately before Christmas. But, I bucked up and enjoyed myself anyway, and now I'm nose to the grindstone until I pass that thing.

I got a medical dictionary for Christmas. I'm sure you're all wondering why that would make my day, but I like dictionaries. And grammar guides, and almost anything else that has words or is made of bound paper or both. I'm not even picky about it. (Usually.) The dictionary will go onto my work reference shelf (as soon as I have a work reference shelf!) with my humongo Black's Law Dictionary that was given to me for my birthday last year. I'll have to get a sturdy shelf.

I also found a replacement Swiss Army knife in my stocking (the last one was stolen when my purse was stolen for the second time last year), and an FM broadcaster for my ipod. I like that very much, because all my audio is available to me in my car now, when before I had to change cds. I am extremely spoiled. I know it. And yet, so sweet ...

(Snigger. I'm also very silly today.)

I did make a skirt and blouse and go to the Winter Ball this year. Yes, there are pictures, and no, they're not currently available for me to post. I'll try to get some up soon.

My sister had her 12th birthday yesterday. They're all trying to catch me, but ha-ha, I have a birthday coming up too! January 20th, just in case you wanted to know, I'll be 22. What a nice number. (Now, Liz, control yourself! 23 is nice, too.)

I can't think of anything else just now. But if any of you have a craving for old-time radio detective stories, check out I've listened to all of them so far, except the Christmas special. I don't think I want to listen to 'It's a Wonderful Life' on the radio for an hour. And there's not even a mystery, really.

So, life's trickling along. I am reading your blogs faithfully. Liz, Justin, no news I see. (Who am I to say anything, anyways!)

New Year's resolutions? Nada. Not a one. I made them all in November.



Blogger Anemone Flynn said...

I'm gonna start feeling neglected, and soon!

Come on, no comments? Have I lost my comedic touch?


9:31 AM  

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