Semi-colon Corner

I'm a young, punctuation-happy court reporting student.

My Photo
Location: Nampa, Idaho, United States

Humor is not simply the art of laughing at others, nor merely that of laughing at yourself; rather, it is the ability to see the tiny absurdities of life. -- Anemone Flynn

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

I did it (well, so far)!

I have officially passed my last speed test for school. Mark down another 225 words per minute test against my name! Now, for certification.

Meanwhile ... the interning continues.


Monday, November 21, 2005


Well, I've been doing a considerable amount of interning in the last few days. There's a civil case that I've been sitting in on -- today is my 3rd day. It's not bad to write to. I've listened to a couple expert witnesses talk about interesting things like 'awake fiberoptic intubation,' and 'direct visual intubation,' and 'nurse anesthetists,' and anything you want to know about spinal cord injuries. It's been interesting, and the expert witnesses have spoken slowly enough for me to get most of it. I also sat in on drug court one day last week -- now, that's pretty fast. In drug court almost everything is rote and repeated about thirty-seven times, so it goes by pretty fast.

I'm waiting for court to begin this morning, just thought I'd drop y'all a line. Do you know, courtrooms are usually quite chilly.


Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Time Well Spent

Caution. Measure carefully
The hours you are given.
Passing once
Through time at hand,
How are your passions driven?

Listen. Many tell you
Your plight is not unique.
What is useful
For eternity
Will stand up to critique.

Work well for others' honor.
Toil for true rest.
Little value
True beauty lasts time's test.

Cherish. Closely guide them.
Let kind attitude remain.
Forgive soon,
Healing wounds.
Friendship scarred is hard regained.


Saturday, November 12, 2005

Are Bazaars Really Supposed to be This Relaxing?

I had a table at a boy scout troop's fundraising bazaar today. There really weren't very many people there at all. The scouts had a baked goods/chili table, and there were about 6 or 7 other tables. I took my beading -- the necklaces, bracelets, and earrings that I like to make. I was able to manufacture quite a few, owing to the lack of traffic past my table. That's one of the ways I like to relax, though, so I had a nice morning. I sold enough to cover the cost of being there, and to pay for gas next week, so I consider it a success. I received many compliments on my jewelry, too. All in all, a very enjoyable morning. If I ever do it again, though, I'd want more customers. I can always use the money.

Then I came home and mowed the lawn. For the last time. Now our yard looks better than our neighbor's yard. But they're compulsive lawn manicurists, so I don't suppose it will last. I feel a bit of suspense in the air -- who will get the last mow in before it snows?

Friday, November 04, 2005

Here it comes!

Okay, everyone, the big test is tomorrow. I've got to report to the courthouse by 9:45am (I think, I'll double check that for sure!). Pray for me.

Just in case you were wondering, my favorite shoes are sandals. Slip-on, with a heel. I like about a 2-inch heel. And I usually go for black or brown, because that matches everything. Although I have seen some virulent greens a time or two ...

And yes, the reason I want them slip-on is so I can slip them off.


P.S. The discussion about traditional churches is still going on in 'The Promised Post.' I may even do another main post at some point, but I'll have to think about that more.